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Experience the Japanese art of origami!  Origami literally translates as ori (folding) gami (paper).  This traditional Japanese craft of paper folding began in the 17th century but has been popular outside of Japan since the mid-1900s. The origami crane has since become a symbol of world peace, health and long life.


Origami is a wonderful hobby for individual and group activity. We invite a child with Parent or Grandparent in learning this beautiful art form together.  The objective of these classes is to foster close relationship and bonding between parent and child. The emphasis is on the process. The classes are “hands-on,” exciting experiences for both children and adults. Parent and child work together side by side. New communication between parent and child results from sharing creative experiences and the crafts they created. 


Guaranteed to be fun way to spend quality time with your child!

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has described 10 reasons to be involved in origami:

1. Development of fine 'motor skills' of both hands.

2. Development of intellectual abilities.

3. Development of creative abilities.                             

4. Activation of the Right and Left hemispheres of the brain.

5. Development of imagination.

6. Development of attention.

7. Development of memory.

8. Development of patience.

9. Emotional and aesthetic experiences.

10. Joy, satisfaction and pride in your own work!

Scientific proof:

Left Brain and Right Brain at Origami Training

by Katrin and Yuri Shumakov, Oriland's founder.

Theragami’s founder and director, Hagit Shalev, is an experienced educator and Origami specialist who focuses on using paper folding technique as an educational, therapeutic and recreational tool to enhance vital academic and cognitive skills in children and adolescents. 


She highlighted that Origami can be used as a teaching tool for the learning disabled. Children with learning disability often have difficulty in delaying immediate gratification. They become frustrated or anxious with projects that require a long time to complete, and expect to see results right away. Origami makes this possible.  Origami makes this possible. Unlike other manipulative craft activities, there is no glue or paints that need to be dried. The results are enjoyed almost at once. Mistakes do not show up one’s disability in such a way as to cause embarrassment and are not a permanent symbol of failure, since all they need to do is to flatten the paper and start anew. This gives Origami a neutral or non-threatening status.

Parent and Child making Origami crafts together

Our Origami classes will give parent and their child a chance to learn some basic to intermediate origami folds, giving you a way to complete several small structures.  Learn to make Cranes, Jet planes, all kind of animals like Bear, Lion, Eagle, also Flowers, origami cards, picture frames and many more.....


While character formation begins at home, in this origami class, character building will be taught in clear, fun and memorable way.  The instructor will use                           to teach and encourage positive social values during the class.  


The instructor will focus on one different character quality at each session to keep the character-focus alive.  Each lesson will have discussion, exploration, stories, and origami activities.  

At the end of each session, the children will bring their origami 'Character' home with their character commitment.

Origami Fruits of the Spirit

Origami Fruits of the Spirit

Origami Seagulls & Pelicans

Origami Seagulls & Pelicans

Origami - Save the Bees

Origami - Save the Bees

Roses bouquet

Roses bouquet

Origami - Butterflies

Origami - Butterflies





Origami - Daisy flowers

Origami - Daisy flowers

Origami - Angel Fishes

Origami - Angel Fishes

"Good character is the inward values that determine outward actions"

It's not complicated to learn or practice good character, it's actually simple when we take just one character trait at a time - and the "fruit" is so very sweet for us, for our children, and for everyone else we and they come in contact with.

Origami papers

When you shop for origami paper, you see so many kinds of paper on the shelf. Any kind of paper can be used for origami although some papers are not as well suited to some tasks as other papers are. it all depends on the thickness of the paper and fiber length within the paper. Many origami patterns require a double-sided paper to enhance the design and provide contrast in color and texture. The effects of the differing colors makes your origami folding pop. Choose from a large selection of different patterns and color combinations including: floral prints, double-sided foil origami paper, kusudama kits, solid color origami and yuzen chiyogami papers.

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